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2003 Vermeer SC252 Stump Grinder

Category: Grinders
Machine Name: 2003 Vermeer SC252 Stump Grinder
Machine Location:Spokane, WA
Serial Number: 1VRN071F93L007237
More Info:
Description: 2003 VermeerĀ® SC252 Stump GrinderIntroducing the robust and reliable workhorse of the stump grinding industry - the 2003 Vermeer SC252 Stump Grinder. This rugged machine combines power, precision, and efficiency to tackle even the toughest stump removal tasks with ease. Whether you are a professional arborist or a seasoned homeowner, this dependable stump grinder will save you time and effort, leaving your landscape looking pristine.Key Features:Powerful Engine: Equipped with a formidable engine, the Vermeer SC252 delivers the raw power needed to handle stumps of various sizes and hardness. The engine's performance ensures rapid grinding, reducing downtime and increasing productivity.Compact and Maneuverable: The SC252 boasts a compact design that allows for easy maneuverability, even in tight spaces and confined landscapes. Its size and weight make it ideal for navigating through narrow gates and challenging terrains.Cutting Precision: The grinding wheel is met
2003 Vermeer SC252 Stump Grinder
Machine Sold
Dealer Information:
FMI Equipment
Spokane, WA
Dave Kopp
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